Sunday, December 2, 2007


The word training brought all sorts of pictures to my mind, like martial arts moves, cool gadgets, virtual reality simulations and stuff like that. I was rather disappointed to find that my week-long training was just a week of going to boring meetings. I did learn some interesting things, though:
I was in Hawaii. Apparently, whoever bumped me over the head somehow kept me asleep for a couple days, and I had been flown here. I also learned that the guy who knocked me out was not with the same group of people that I saw when I woke up. I had changed hands sometime while I was unconscious.
I found out some stuff about what I would be doing for the next few days. Apparently, my only use was that I had information about the identities of some of the bad guys. I was to be transported to some location (they didn't tell me exactly where) and try and point out some of the people that I had seen in the last few days, and describe what they were doing and what they said and who they were with.
I was to keep out of trouble, do as I was told, and I'd be on my way home within a few days.

Simple. Right?...

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