Sunday, October 7, 2007


The drive in the taxi gave me a chance to think through what had happened to me the past few days.
Someone had left me a memory chip with some mysterious pictures on it. Within a few days, a guy called Carl showed up at my house. I decided to look at the pictures on the memory chip. One of them was of a paper with an email address on it. I sent a message to that address. A week after that, another guy with a Russian accent showed up. He bashed me over the head and I was unconscious for a while.
By the time I woke up, there was no telling where I was. I had been driven to a house somewhere. While there, I talked to an older man who seemed to know everything about what was happening, but he didn't seem to want to tell me too much.
The next day I was to be transported some place, but before I got there I was re-captured by some other group of people who wanted to use me as a bargaining piece. They took me to an airport where I managed to escape and now I was sitting in a taxi in some city driving towards a hotel.

And somehow, through all of this, I managed to still have with me the memory chip that had started all of this.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

On my own

For the next few hours I was driven around for a while until we got to an airport. I wondered what country I was going to, and realized that I didn't even know what country I was in. I was led into the building and told to keep my mouth shut. The place was slightly crowded, and the thought came to me that I might be able to get 'lost in the crowd'. I kept a close eye on my kidnappers. I saw that they were keeping a close eye on me. Every time one would look away, it was only a couple seconds before another was watching me.

Finally, inspiration came in the form of a luggage cart that happened to be near me. Waiting until no one was watching, I grabbed the cart and pushed it as hard as I could towards a nearby group of people. It had just the effect I was hoping for. There was a loud crash, a lot of people running, a lot of people screaming. The noise caught everyone's attention and, in the few moments of panic, I was able to run out of view of my kidnappers.

I followed a large group of people out of the building, then quickly ran into the nearest taxi.
"Take me to the nearest hotel."
The driver nodded and started to drive off. I thought for a moment that I didn't have any money to pay him, but I figured I'd worry about that later. I was free!