Sunday, October 7, 2007


The drive in the taxi gave me a chance to think through what had happened to me the past few days.
Someone had left me a memory chip with some mysterious pictures on it. Within a few days, a guy called Carl showed up at my house. I decided to look at the pictures on the memory chip. One of them was of a paper with an email address on it. I sent a message to that address. A week after that, another guy with a Russian accent showed up. He bashed me over the head and I was unconscious for a while.
By the time I woke up, there was no telling where I was. I had been driven to a house somewhere. While there, I talked to an older man who seemed to know everything about what was happening, but he didn't seem to want to tell me too much.
The next day I was to be transported some place, but before I got there I was re-captured by some other group of people who wanted to use me as a bargaining piece. They took me to an airport where I managed to escape and now I was sitting in a taxi in some city driving towards a hotel.

And somehow, through all of this, I managed to still have with me the memory chip that had started all of this.


Anonymous said...


You have great imagination! That is a special and useful gift. Know why your writing has been temporarily discontinued, but eager for the next installment. (Hope you don't get "bashed around" anymore!)

Anonymous said...

Just read the recap, can't spell for squat. Trauma of life. Sounds intriguing although I'll have to keep reading and find out if you put me in as Jade Nikia. Cheerio.